Friday, 4 November 2011

Facebook Notes: Hate

Again from Facebook, taken from July 2009, a list of things I hate. I think I was angry this date. Very, very angry

Let’s keep this brief… things that have been annoying me recently are:

People who, for whatever reason, get a half day. Then rub it in your face.
People who think that indicators on a car are optional
People who insist of discarding the entire English language in both written and oral communication [but we let off people who make errors]
People who get so drunk on a regular basis that they cannot communicate at a rudimentary level
People who think that homosexuality is an excuse to pigeonhole themselves/other people
People who say “lol” in real life with their tongue firmly out of their cheek.
Customers who believe that the very fact that they are in the shop you work in buying stuff makes them better people than you
People who dress their animals
People who ‘complain about a free meal’ [figuratively]
People who spend more time complaining about the cock up that has happened rather than how to move on from it
People who don’t get obvious ‘hints’ that you really don’t want to be engaged in a/this conversation at this time. Or ever
Artists who make another album after a greatest hits album
People who think it is OK to speak for me when I am standing right there
People who state the mind numbingly obvious. I also have realised this issue, but don’t feel the need to vocalise it
People who believe in the stupidest of conspiracy theories, but are unable to provide any evidence that backs it up, whilst simultaneously discarding any real evidence on the contrary.
People who put on an idiotic accent for whatever image they are trying to coform to
People who try and tell me what to eat. I will eat and drink what I want twhn I want it. Thank you very much! [Mother excluded]
People who do not look where they are going/walk side by side so you can’t get passed/walk very slowly/push those double side by side buggies
People who take small children onto airplanes and insist of making them cry
People who cannot control their animals
People who look down on you because they are smarter/better off/dress better than you
People who [just generally] seem to think they are superior to you for any reason. They are not
People who are so old they cannot leave the house without an escort leaving the house without an escort
Groups of teenagers being seen and heard
People who still think Big Brother et al are still good, broadcast able and acceptable concepts
Politics in everything except from the running of a country
People who think that being different means that being /looking like a twat is imperative
Vocal negativity rather than pessimism 
People who speak on the phone instead of speaking to you [for whatever reason]
TV producers/writers who ruin a good thing
The whole concept of High Street Shopping
People who go out to ‘Network’ and come back to ‘Chillax’
People who insist on quoting The Dark Knight
The inability in certain people to play The Devil’s Advocate to further conversation
People who moan about the weather. It is the weather, it does the weather things!
Happy couples. Sad couples. Angry couples. Just couples and their couplyness
High level hypocrisy [as opposed to meaningless hypocrisy]
People who are just impolite. It costs you nothing to exchange pleasant niceties and a smile goes a long way.
People who think that Football is the only sport worth watching
People who are actually incapable, or unwilling, to do the job they are paid to do!
Journalists who have the inability to write a proper story
People who are genuinely stupid!
Pedestrians who insist on standing at THAT point on the kerb so when you are pulling out into traffic you cannot actually see the traffic you are pulling out into
People who yearn for yesteryear.
People who ask are incapable of asking a simple question and pad it out with irrelevent information that you really don't care about
Any American President who is not Jed Bartlet... Except maybe Matthew Santos.
People who actually do not comprehend 'sarcasm
Cyclists. Just, being cyclists in my presence.
People who say "no offence" before lurching into something that is typically offensive. If you are going to say something offensive to someone, have the balls to mean it.
People who try to speak to everyone because they want to look popular, rather than them actually being friendly/interested in speaking to anyone
People who drink and drive and think it is ok because "they wont get caught"
People who spend thousands of pounds "modifying" a shit car, instead of spending thousands of pounds on an actually good car

Yes, it has been an... interesting day at the office. This may be added to and adapted ongoing. And the concept was blatantly stolen.


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