Friday, 4 November 2011

2010: Dear Aberdeen City Council

This one, apparently, lives in a certain level of imfany. I got really annoyed with my local council and wrote an open letter to them. I didn't do very much with it though. Oct 2010

 To whoever it may concern [or the shredder]

I am writing to applaud you. In particular I wish to applaud your efforts to bring joy, harmony, security and a good standard of living to our fair city. I mean, you have not  had a lot to work with, considering the state of the finances you inherited. Well, when I say inherited, I mean ‘managed to cock up all by yourselves’. Whoever thought spending more money that you had would work for a local authority. It didn’t work for the banks, and they are good with money. Allegedly.

I LOVE the idea you have for charging your customers/mugs for parking in all your inner city carparks after 6pm. £3.50 it now costs from 6pm until 9am, rather than the free it was prior to this. It does now mean that it is impossible to park anywhere near town for free if you have a car. So you either have to walk for miles through “stab-central” or pay through the nose to go to the pub. Which is quite frankly shocking. And who actually has £3.50 on them? Considering none of the parking spaces are anywhere near anywhere that you may get change from. Though your blanket advertising of this fact was pretty expansive. You’re office notice board does get walked past by 10 people. You actually have to get to the car park, expecting it to be free, to discover you are shafting us on that as well. Also, more chargeable parking in residential areas can only be a good thing. No one really needs to visit friends and family anyway.

On another note, good planning on how to deal with the gypsies. I know they illegally park wherever they want, break down gates and fences to get into fields, bully vulnerable people into getting them to “do” their drive and then doing a shoddy job of it, litter, steal etc. But planning saplings around places that they might want to park is genius. That is sure to stop them. I don’t think I need to spend any more time on this, it is such an epic idea.

Oh, and sure, have a public meeting with the residents who are complaining about the 3rd bridge. Again. A) It’s never going to get build [along with the WPR] and B) we are not deluded enough to believe you care on the outcome. Let’s consider the Union Terrace Gardens Project, of which the majority of Aberdonians who care [enough to ‘vote’] said it was a terrible thing, and both the planners and Sir Wood should die in a burning pit of lava. You decided at this point, that No. You will ignore the public and go with whatever you damn well please. In a deluded understanding it might make you some money. It won’t, it will be delayed and over budget and you [we] will have to foot the bill. Meaning the WPR will never get build. Again. Spend the money fixing pot holes!  Or, well, anything beneficial. Like the FUCKING WESTERN PERIPHERAL ROUTE.

I do like the Sports Trust though. Genuinely, I don’t think they have done anything wrong yet. I can only assume that is because you are not in charge.

Waste bins picked up every 2 weeks is a cost saving device that you have employed. Which means that they are always over full, and everyone knows that rotting food spilling out of bins gives streets a lovely aroma.

Closing the ice rink, only to open it again when it suits you/they want to curl there was a neat trick too. Glad to see you have kept it open this time. Once you worked out it does actually bring you in some income.

Well, I think this covers most of what I wanted to say. Props on making Marshal Collage look amazing with all the scaffolding and stuff. Guess that is pretty cheap. Not like you don’t have offices across the street.

Many Regards

Craig Thomson (aged 23)
A cheerful/optimistic subject.

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